Thursday, April 26, 2012

GT240 vs GT440? BOTH GDDR5 512mb?

Which one is better? The GT 240 or the GT 440? both 512mb and GDDR5. This are my options because I onlty have a 300w power supply and do not want to upgrade it that much as I am saving for a beast pc but in the mean time upgrade this crappy 8400gs card|||Not much different in graphic power between those two. The GT440 has a bit newer software, so go with that option if it's the same price or cheaper.

I agree with Vomit that the Radeon 6670 would be the better choice. I can understand user confusion here, as the GT 440 recommends a 300W power supply while the HD 6670 recommends 400W. That's a matter of AMD being more conservative in their power supply recommendations than nVidia, as the 240 and 6670 use about the same wattage for the video card itself.|||None of the above. A Radeon 6670 is probably the best you'll do. A Radeon 6570 would work if you're on the cautious side. Both are faster than either card you've listed and won't break your power supply.

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